山嶽之上者 - 阿努比斯神,是一位與死後生活有關的胡狼頭神,這個稱號強調了他身為亡者與墳墓守護神的身份;然而,在塊根植物生態中,「生」與「死」都擁有一定相關意義,植物中的「死」可以理解「沉睡中」是為一切停頓,時間彷彿停止,一切頓入皆空,靜待時機,迎接「生」的來臨,重獲新生,進入一個新世界、新機會。
〖 AnubisG 象犬〗就代表著一種「置諸死地而後生」的意味。當感到絕望、無助,彷彿毫無生機; 其實換個角度,等待機會,新機;生機;就待AnubisG 象犬在你身邊找出答案吧!
這次GREENFLAGHK 夥拍香港本地潮玩設計師Happiest Fung 制作出與塊根植物crossover 好玩之作「AnubisG 象犬」,除了將Happy好玩感覺滲入之外,更藉著作品在低迷疫情氣氛底下為大家打氣加油!靜待時機,重新現出生機!
Anubis, He Who is Upon His Mountain, is a jackal-headed god of the afterlife. This name stresses his identity of being the guardian of graves and lost souls. Life and death are equally meaningful in the ecosystem of caudiciform plants. Death is understood as sinking into deep sleep, as if time is paused and everything returns to an absolute nothing, awaiting a chance to be reborn into a new world.
There are times when it seems hopeless, but there will always be a way when we look on the bright side. Representing perseverance in difficult times, AnubisG will guide you to the way out!
Collaborating with the local toy sculptor Happiest Fung, GREENFLAGHK presents AnubisG, a crossover product with caudiciform plants, to infiltrate fun and happiness as well as to cheer everyone up in the depressing pandemic. We will soon feel alive as the moment comes.
More details to come soon. Don’t miss a chance and follow @anubisg_hk on Instagram for updates!
AnubisG 象犬 x1,死神鐮刀x1,專屬木盒x1,鐮刀植物標籤x1,Postcard x1,海報 x1
疫情期間開店時間請密切留意Instagram 專頁,歡迎聯絡我們查詢開店時間。